Sunday, May 17, 2009

And so it ends....... mark of a new begining

As I said in a previous post, this would be a different elections, so was proved by the results. The Janta is not as dumb as it seems. Some of the good decisions:

1) In UP al the Criminals lost the elections, some of them to name: Akshay Pratp Singh, Mukhtar Ansari, Atiq Ahmed, Akbar Ahmed Dumpy
2) Mayawati's Dream of becoming the prime minister was shattered by 21 seats in the state where she is in majority in the Vidhan Sabha elections
3) Good bye to "Laal Salaam"
4) States like Kerala and West Bengal are in the process of giving a com[plete "U" turn to their political leadership, with the left parties losing pathetically.
5) Lalu will no longer Bark in the center
6) The Janta has told it clearly that the regional parties are truly regional and they should stick to making the roads and naalas and dare not eye the prime minister's chair
7) Amma finally cried "Amma" in Tamil Nadu, and not a word after the elections!
8) I think Karnataka's results have been disappointing, with places like Mangalore voting for BJP

I think this was a very important elections in the Indian politics. And definitely a welcome government at the center!

1 comment:

Pranesh Kulkarni said...

This time we have a positive point coming out from Mangalore as well! That is, this time media attempted to set the agenda for the election especially in Karnataka. And, its a learning for media that in democracy people will set the true agenda, and they are self sufficient to understand what bothers them the most.